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Well I never thought this


Команда форума
1 Мар 2015
Crazy is my life story, i should really start here at the beginning, of what could be a crazy ride into the sunset, or fade into obscurity, i am 53 , have never written any code other than BBC basic, and somehow become the LEAD Developer, ( please note this is sarcasm ) at a project that , well could really cause some shit, good shit for people and humanity ( this is not sarcasm ) , fun and engagement, me , im skeptical, the concept, i think i will leave that until i have my prototype version ready, which could be a while, eventually i will need some people who know their shit, probably pay very well, and make you happy, how did it start? AI music generators, about a year ago i got in at the beggining and started to make AI music, its fun,but thats by the by.

Today i wrote my first code, with help , and it worked, nothing fancy, just a few buttons, like i said i have no idea what i was doing, but it worked... in react and nodes, and installing librarys, json x , ( halloween?) a myriad of commands, it didnt help the python installed INCORRECTLY and i went to version 3.11 , solved... the old directory location monkey jumped on my back, with my cd skills going into overdrive , and who knew you had to run npm start in the root folder , oh obviously everyone else in here...but yet

it worked, stage 1 complete, AI told me i have a 65% chance of success , rising to 90 if i can meet the parameters ., which are easier than making the code in my opinion, so if can get it running its game on...

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