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Recap: How it Works With Holger - Build a Full Stack Web App from Scratch


Заместитель Администратора
Команда форума
9 Май 2015
TMS Software Delphi  Components

As we finish our 9-part video series, How it Works With Holger - Build a Full Stack Web App from Scratch, we want to say thank you for joining us on this learning adventure. Over the past three weeks, we've explored web development in detail, covering many topics to help you build a strong full-stack web application.

In the series, we started by creating a strong TMS XData back-end REST server, which forms the basis for smooth data communication. Then, we looked into SwaggerUI, seeing how it improves API documentation and understanding. Learning to make asynchronous calls to Google services added another useful skill, allowing you to interact with external services easily.

We kept exploring by using Object Pascal to manipulate the DOM in TMS WEB Core. Adding Bootstrap made our web application look good and work well on different devices. Plus, integrating the TMS FNC Maps component gave us dynamic mapping capabilities, opening up exciting possibilities.

One of the best parts of our journey was introducing the new TWebLeafletMaps, which offer a better and more immersive mapping experience. As we went through each episode, we hope you gained valuable insights and skills to improve your web development abilities.

Missed the video series or want to watch it again? Here's a summary of all nine episodes:

Episode 1: Project Overview: Front End and Back End Architecture

Episode 2: Using Google web services in an XData backend and routing in TMS FNC Maps

Episode 3: Inspect and test XData REST services with SwaggerUI, Postman and Fiddler

Episode 4: Adding functionality to the XData server template

Episode 5: Implementing an XData server method that relies on another web service

Episode 6: Build the TMS WEB Core web client from scratch

Episode 7: Connect the user interface of the web application to the data from the back-end

Episode 8: Create Dynamic Table with Formatted Text and Icons from XData Server

Episode 9: Build the TMS WEB Core web client from scratch

Until we meet again in our next project, happy coding!

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