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How we launch


Команда форума
1 Мар 2015
Launch weeks are great for both aligning the team and getting traction within the community.

— Rory Wilding, COO of Supabase on

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Next week is

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— a week of announcing new features to make feature flagging a fast, joyful experience for SaaS developers.

This post is about why it's important and what it means for Bucket.

Why we're planning a launch week

I joined Bucket

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, and one thing stands out: This team ships. It ships really fast.

In the last 12 months, the team released 38 product updates. We write changelogs and thoughtfully share them on LinkedIn and Twitter/X. People often tell us: "I've been following you for a long time and am impressed with how much you ship."

This year, we're gearing up. We have so much to announce that we decided to run a launch week — a week of announcing new features.

The Shaping phase

We had opinions on how we wanted to plan this launch week. We wanted to:

  1. Launch in the next 6 weeks
  2. Launch with another dev-first company to increase reach
  3. And above all, we didn't want to hold back feature releases

First, we listed the projects we wanted to build and prioritized them by appetite. Then we started building. Four weeks in, we reflected on what we could ship on time and what would require more time to craft.

In the meantime, we keep shipping — at least one product update per week. Launch weeks shouldn't hold back new feature releases. To quote Rory '

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' Wilding from Supabase, we want to "ship and shout as much as possible" —

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Warming up

As soon as we committed to a calendar and release dates, we started raising awareness and building momentum. At Bucket, we value craftsmanship. We spent time on pixels, agreed on a visual direction 2 weeks ahead, and started

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Next week is launch week. We're about to announce 5 features. To be upfront, they are new features, updates, and existing features, too — features that we think would need a spotlight.

To quote Ant '

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' Wilson from Supabase:

You can launch a new feature many times over and always manage to reach people who either forgot, ignored, or just plain missed it the first few times.

— Ant Wilson, CTO and Co-founder of Supabase on

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We're confident you'll enjoy these announcements. This week will be awesome.

We're also planning a launch on Product Hunt on Day 2. We're humbled to partner with

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on this launch week.

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, it's going to be fun.

Final thoughts

This first-ever

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certainly is not the last one. We believe that consistency is key, and we'll keep launching.

From the

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: "By launching multiple times, you are building your story and brand over time and compounding people's interest. Each launch builds more following, which then helps your future launches. Launching keeps reminding the market that your company exists and you're making progress."

According to

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, only 7 companies in the world ran 3+ launch weeks last year. 7 companies in the world. We want to be part of this shortlist. We're planning to run 3 launch weeks by the end of this year. It starts this month, from March 17 to March 21. We also plan to be part of the

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later this year and plan another launch week in between.

Launch weeks are the new flagship at Bucket.

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for the latest product updates.

We're building a feature flagging tool crafted for speed.


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