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Garbage Collection in Java


Команда форума
1 Мар 2015

Garbage collection (GC) in Java is a process by which the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) automatically manages memory by reclaiming objects that are no longer in use. This feature helps developers avoid memory leaks and manually deallocating memory, which is common in languages like C and C++. Understanding garbage collection mechanisms and strategies is crucial for optimizing application performance.

How Garbage Collection Works in Java

In Java, memory is divided into different regions, primarily the Heap Memory and Stack Memory. Objects are stored in the heap, while method calls and local variables reside in the stack. The GC process is responsible for cleaning up the heap by identifying and removing objects that are no longer accessible.

** Steps of Garbage Collection**

  1. Marking: The GC identifies reachable objects from root references (like static variables, local variables, and active threads).

  2. Deletion (Sweeping): Unreachable objects are marked for deletion.

  3. Compaction: The remaining objects are reorganized to optimize memory allocation and reduce fragmentation.
Types of Garbage Collectors in Java

Java provides multiple garbage collection algorithms, each optimized for different types of applications. These include:

1. Serial Garbage Collector

  • Uses a single thread for garbage collection.

  • Best suited for single-threaded applications.

  • Enabled using -XX:+UseSerialGC.

2. Parallel Garbage Collector (Throughput Collector)

  • Uses multiple threads for faster garbage collection.

  • Suitable for applications running on multi-core processors.

  • Enabled using -XX:+UseParallelGC.

3. Concurrent Mark-Sweep (CMS) Collector

  • Performs most GC work concurrently with the application threads.

  • Reduces pause times but may cause CPU overhead.

  • Enabled using -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC.

4. G1 (Garbage First) Garbage Collector

  • Divides the heap into regions and collects garbage in priority order.

  • Provides predictable pause times.

  • Enabled using -XX:+UseG1GC.

5. Z Garbage Collector (ZGC)

  • Designed for low-latency applications with large heap sizes.

  • Performs most of its work concurrently.

  • Enabled using -XX:+UseZGC.
Memory Management in Java

Java memory is divided into different sections for efficient management:

  • Young Generation: Stores newly created objects. Includes:

Eden Space: Where new objects are allocated.

Survivor Spaces (S0, S1): Holds objects that survive minor GCs.

  • Old Generation (Tenured Space): Stores long-lived objects that have survived multiple GC cycles.

  • Metaspace: Stores class metadata and method data.
When Does Garbage Collection Occur?

Garbage collection happens automatically, but it is triggered when:

  • Heap memory is full.

  • JVM detects unused objects.

  • The System.gc() method is called (though it's just a hint, not a guarantee).
Best Practices for Efficient Garbage Collection

  1. Minimize Object Creation: Reuse objects where possible to reduce GC overhead.

  2. Use StringBuilder Instead of String Concatenation: Avoid creating multiple string objects.

  3. Close Resources Properly: Ensure streams, connections, and files are closed to prevent memory leaks.

  4. Optimize Data Structures: Use appropriate collections like ArrayList instead of LinkedList where applicable.

  5. Tune JVM Parameters: Use -Xms and -Xmx to specify heap size and avoid excessive GC cycles.


Garbage collection in Java is an essential feature that automates memory management, improving application efficiency and stability. Understanding different GC algorithms and tuning parameters can help optimize application performance. Choosing the right GC strategy depends on the application’s requirements, such as latency, throughput, and memory constraints.

By following best practices and leveraging JVM tuning options, developers can ensure smooth and efficient garbage collection in their Java applications.

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