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From Theater to Tech: The Pros (& Cons) of An Unusual Career Path.


Команда форума
1 Мар 2015
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end - Seneca.
How many here have a fine arts degree? Could you raise your hands? If you think there will be none, I have news for you: There are plenty some of us.

Many of us with fine arts or even liberal arts degrees had big dreams when we first signed on to our initial degree. We thought we would always work in the field we went to school for. No need to confirm that a

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If you are wondering how so many of us switch careers it goes something like this:

  1. We choose our major because we were inspired by being good in a school play once.
  2. Many of us complete said major. (A few are smart enough to choose new majors before graduating.)
  3. We spend a few years after graduating that we can work odd jobs forever while waiting for our big break. Hint: it never comes.
  4. In the time we spent waiting and auditioning, we realize we have other passions and interests.
    Andy Bernard is the new Manager

However, despite our unusual career path, we bring quite a lot to the table but experience a few setbacks.

Pros of Someone with a Theater Background.

1. Adaptability.

Improv, familiar with it? It teaches theater majors to be adaptable to constant change and problem-solving to get a scene back on track. It is so successful at doing this that even business professionals are

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. We are exceptionally good at adapting to and adopting change in our lives and our work. An actor forgets a line, or a prop doesn't make it on stage? The show must go on! Adapt and find a new solution.

2. Creativity & Innovation.

The beauty of theater training lies in its ability to prime graduates for thinking outside the box. No two plays are alike, and no two tech issues are either. Creativity isn’t just a byproduct of our training—it’s our superpower.

3. We Are Growth Seekers.

We are always having to research a new play or part or pick up skills to master a new role. We are constantly hungry to learn, and it bodes well in an industry that is always changing.

Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. - Stephan Hawking
Cons of Someone with a Theater Background.

1. We Are Constantly Overlooked.

Let's be honest; our resumes often get thrown out the second recruiters see BFA Theater Arts on our CV. It's ok; we understand. However, hopefully, employers will start to see us as adaptable, growth-minded, problem-solving, and innovative individuals who have a lot to offer. So next time you need a fresh face in the world of tech, why not reach out to someone with an unusual career path?

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