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Upping the web form design experience with FNC components in Delphi 12.2


Заместитель Администратора
Команда форума
9 Май 2015
On July 9 this year, we introduced the brand new web based form designer integration in the Delphi IDE. In

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, you can learn everything about it.

A part of this Herculean task was to ensure not only the standard

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framework controls could be installed in the IDE for use in this new web based form designer, but also additional custom components and with this, also our entire range of FNC components. To tackle this challenge, we came up with the concept of TMS WEB Core packages that have the Pascal code for custom controls and these packages can be transpiled from the IDE to JavaScript libraries that are loaded at design-time in the web based form designer and that allow you to use components from for designing.

The big difference is that if you design your custom components, they will look at design-time exactly the same way as at run-time in the browser. With this approach, we have now also introduced TMS WEB Core packages for our entire range of FNC components. With these packages, the FNC components can be installed for use in the web based form designer as well.

What this brings and how it can be used in the brand new Delphi 12.2 is all explained in this video:

Get started to create web apps!

We know the landscape for software developers grows every day with choices and complexities.
If you wish to get started creating Delphi web applications, here is an overview of the choices we have available for you:

IDE choices

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Reuse all your Delphi development skills from your familiar Delphi IDE

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Develop using Object Pascal in a free Visual Studio Code IDE from your operating system of choice: Windows, macOS, Linux

Classic VCL style form designDesign your form layout in a similar way as in VCL apps, reducing your learning curve and avoiding the need to learn HTML & CSS
Web based form designer to design WYSIWYGMix TMS WEB Core controls and HTML & CSS all at design-time with a WYSIWYG experience
HTML/CSS template basedUse off the shelf available HTML templates, either from the classic form designer or web based form designer. Take maximum advantage of existing HTML & CSS expertise from specialists

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Wide range of controls already included out of the box in TMS WEB Core

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Use several controls offered as Pascal wrappers around existing & proven JavaScript libraries

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Feature-rich chart control feature bar, line, stacked, XY, pie, donut and many more chart types

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Gantt chart based project managemet control

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Various UI controls including treeview, data grid, planner, ribbon and much more...

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Set of dashboard controls: gauges, indicators, progressbar, ...

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Diagramming & flowchart control set

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Easy accessible web based functionality like math formula editor, .docx file generation, QR & bar code generation

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Mapping, geocoding, directions, POI, GPX, ... handling controls allowing easy use & easy switching between a wide variaty of mapping services. Including Googlel Maps, Openstreet Maps, Leaflet, Azure Maps, Here Maps, Apple Mapkit, ...

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Ultra-flexible, robust, high performance Delphi REST API server technology

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No code data in the back-end as a service, allowing you to get started using back-end data in minutes

Your head start

For your maximum comfort, with the

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license, you have access to simply all our components.

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and at the

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, you not only experience these technologies live and learn about the inner workings, but you have 2 days to mingle with other Delphi developers and have fun in the city of Lille!

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