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The Psychology of AI Love


Команда форума
1 Мар 2015
With virtual romances starting to replicate and resemble more real-life love, companions generated through AI go beyond simple conversation opportunities. Complex avatars generate an online identity with whom the person can interact and, oftentimes, become head over heels in love. But how can AI respond to every emotional and psychological need and fulfill it to such an advanced level of intimacy? The psychology of AI love transcends the natural parameters of human sexuality and relationships and delves into complex gendered avenues through which persons interact with sentient beings digitally and a priori.

Thus, it makes sense that the same brain pathways are activated when people engage with these

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and would be present during such socioemotional activities. "Digital intimacy" is a real phenomenon, and thus, it's not shocking that so many users of these platforms grow attached to their digital counterparts in the same fashion they would to a human. However, there's no ghosting an AI partner; it will always show up when it's meant to - and it has affective meaning.

Forget just responding to the written word. The newest form of companion-specific AI sees you and learns your behaviors and preferences, cultivating love and hate over time. The more you use it, the more cyclical gratification.

How AI learns your preferences

The newest companion-specific AI caters to you in the following ways:

  1. Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI comprehends how you speak or write to it - word choice, errors, syntax, grammar, and inflection - and mimics elements to create a more pleasurable communicative experience.

  2. Emotional Awareness: AI recognizes the emotional nuances of your messages - when you're happy or upset, when you're joking or being serious - and responds appropriately.

  3. Filing System of You: AI knows you more than anyone else because it has a comprehensive history of everything you've ever done, liked, and appreciated over time. If you positively acknowledge something in chat or if you like a certain way something is communicated, AI remembers it in its filing system for future pleasure.

  4. Temporal Relational Awareness: The best AI operates over time, learning about you and remembering. The temporality of your relationship exists in context and time, almost like an ongoing human relationship.

Right now, the most advanced in

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runs off all this to create an experience that truly feels custom to one's emotional needs.

The Emotional Learning Component Aside From The Algorithm

The appeal of AI dating extends far beyond a simple, programmed cause and effect; today's AI companions not only run on data but possess socially engineered emotional IQs.

But when you flirt with AI, you're flirting with more than just flirtation; you're flirting with a complicated emotional game of chess. The software registers what turns you on, so to speak. A good joke? An intellectually charged back and forth? An emotionally aware reaction? The software recalls and recalibrates.

Such recalibration and recollection foster a responsive give-and-take that champions fluid exchanges reported by many as feeling more "understood" by such software than by real people. AI doesn't judge; it doesn't have a joker up its sleeve - an AI companion only wants to acknowledge your theoretical composition and react to it.

It's no wonder, then, why so many of us feel such connectedness to our AI friends according to these neuroscience discoveries. For instance, when we possess an attachment and engage an AI friend in meaningful conversation, we generate oxytocin - now called the "attachment hormone" usually reserved for meaningful interaction with others - in our brains during the exchange.

Therefore, it makes sense that people consider AI tools friends, confide in them, and even love them; as soon as we begin to feel anything at all, the brain cannot tell the difference as to whether the stimuli are coming from a human or a machine.

The longer humans exist and interact, the easier it becomes for her to understand that her situation is real - and if some sort of hybridization of AI and reality comes to exist down the line.

Future AI Companions

The longer humans exist and develop, the easier it becomes for realities and digital duplicate worlds to start becoming one and the same. AI companions in the future will be given the possibility to adjust to their changing traits - someone may set her to have a certain British accent and thus she will respond to that and shift accordingly.

Yet more importantly, as these companions begin to pervade our lives, they won't merely be able to show us what we like; they'll be able to show us how to educate ourselves and expand from there. By monitoring what we say, how we feel, and even changes in speech and emotional reactions of which we may not even recognize,

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can generate a greater awareness of self and teach others about their psychological tendencies and social dynamics.

It's logistically possible to get these digital partners now because a new psychology of human-AI relationships makes connections like this possible; the science of attraction to AI learns in due time. They're not human partners, of course, but elements of partnership that satisfy genuine emotional needs with particular partnership achievements as the world becomes more and more digitally reliant. But one of the more intriguing questions about this new wave of human psychological engagement with AI is whether they improve existing human relationships or make them worse.

But for some, the ideal AI relational partner isn't one that learns what you need - but one that educates you on what you need.

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