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  • Что бы вступить в ряды "Принятый кодер" Вам нужно:
    Написать 10 полезных сообщений или тем и Получить 10 симпатий.
    Для того кто не хочет терять время,может пожертвовать средства для поддержки сервеса, и вступить в ряды VIP на месяц, дополнительная информация в лс.

  • Пользаватели которые будут спамить, уходят в бан без предупреждения. Спам сообщения определяется администрацией и модератором.

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Команда форума
1 Мар 2015
Recommendation Program: A Simple Guide to Finding Your Next Favorite


In today's digital age, the abundance of choices can often feel overwhelming. Whether you're looking for a new restaurant to try, a movie to watch, or a podcast to listen to, the options are endless. This is where our recommendation program comes in. Designed as a simple yet effective tool, it helps users discover new favorites based on their interests.

Project Overview

The recommendation program is a command-line application built using Python. It allows users to input letters or words related to their interests and provides tailored recommendations across various categories, including:

  • Restaurants
  • Movies
  • Books
  • Television
  • Podcasts

The primary objectives of this project are:

  1. Data Storage: Store recommendations in a structured format using JSON.
  2. Search Algorithm: Implement an algorithm to efficiently search and retrieve relevant recommendations based on user input.
  3. Version Control: Utilize Git for version control to track changes and collaborate effectively.
  4. Command Line Interface: Create a user-friendly command line interface for interaction.
  5. Documentation: Write a comprehensive technical blog post to share insights and experiences from the project.
Implementation Details

Data Structure

The recommendations are stored in a JSON file located at src/data/recommendations.json. This file contains a categorized list of recommendations, making it easy to access and update.

Search Algorithm

The core functionality of the program lies in the search algorithm implemented in src/algorithms/search.py. This algorithm takes user input and searches through the recommendations dataset to find relevant categories and suggestions.

User Interaction

The entry point of the program is src/main.py, where user input is handled. The program prompts users to enter their interests and displays the corresponding recommendations.

Utility Functions

Utility functions are provided in src/utils/helpers.py to enhance the program's functionality. These functions assist with tasks such as formatting output and validating user input, ensuring a smooth user experience.


To ensure the program's reliability, unit tests are written in tests/test_main.py. These tests validate the main program logic and confirm that the recommendation functionality works as intended.


This recommendation program is a practical example of leveraging data structures and algorithms to create a user-friendly application. By following this guide, you can explore the world of recommendations and discover new favorites tailored to your interests.

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