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Over-Complicated Pricing Could Kill A Sales Process


Команда форума
1 Мар 2015
In the world of sales, pricing strategies can make or break a deal. Recently, a discussion highlighted the importance of keeping pricing simple. Over-complicating pricing can lead to confusion and ultimately kill a sales process. Here’s what you need to know.

Key Takeaways

  • Simple pricing is crucial for successful sales.
  • Committed recurring revenue is better than usage-based pricing.
  • Economic downturns can impact revenue stability.
The Importance Of Simple Pricing

When it comes to pricing, simplicity is key. If your pricing structure is too complicated, potential customers might get lost in the details. They could end up feeling overwhelmed and confused, which is not a good place for a buyer to be. A straightforward pricing model helps customers understand what they’re paying for and why.

Committed Recurring Revenue Vs. Usage-Based Pricing

One of the main points discussed was the difference between committed recurring revenue and usage-based pricing. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  1. Committed Recurring Revenue (MRR or ARR)
  2. Usage-Based Pricing
The Risks Of Usage-Based Pricing

Investors often shy away from companies that rely heavily on usage-based pricing. Why? Because it can lead to unpredictable revenue streams. If customers cut back on usage, your income can take a hit. This is especially concerning during economic downturns when businesses might tighten their budgets.

Protecting Your Revenue

To protect your revenue, aim for committed recurring revenue. This way, even if the economy takes a turn for the worse, you have a safety net. You can have discussions with customers about renewing contracts, rather than worrying about a sudden drop in income.


In summary, keeping your pricing simple is essential for a successful sales process. Opt for committed recurring revenue over usage-based pricing to ensure stability and protect your business during uncertain times. Remember, clarity in pricing can lead to better customer relationships and ultimately, more sales.

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