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Rohde & Schwarz and IPG Automotive unveil a complete Hardware-in-the-Loop automotive radar test solution


25 Июл 2022
Rohde & Schwarz and IPG Automotive unveil a complete Hardware-in-the-Loop automotive radar test solution

Rohde & Schwarz has teamed up with IPG Automotive, a pioneer in virtual test driving, to redefine automotive radar Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) integration testing and thereby reducing the cost by bringing Autonomous Driving (AD) testing from the proving ground to the development lab. Combining the CarMaker simulation software from IPG Automotive with the R&S AREG800A radar object simulator and the R&S QAT100 advanced antenna array provides vehicle manufacturers with the ability to simulate ADAS/AD scenarios like those defined in the Euro NCAP in a controlled, safe, time-efficient and cost-reducing way. This combination provides automotive OEMs and radar sensor suppliers with a comprehensive radar sensor testing platform. It is applicable for validation and real-time, closed-loop characterization of radar sensors and enables compliance with Association for ASAM standards.

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