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Holiday Learning: Make the Season Bright with New Delphi Knowledge


Заместитель Администратора
Команда форума
9 Май 2015
TMS Software Delphi  Components

The holiday season often feels like a breath of fresh air, offering a break from the relentless pace of the year. With lighter workloads and a quieter atmosphere, it’s the perfect time to invest in yourself by learning something new.

To help you get the maximum out of your holiday season free time, we hand-picked a couple of interesting resources in several areas:

TMS FNC Data Grid webinar

This webinar introduced the brand-new FNC Data Grid powerhouse. Learn everything that this grid offers and how it can make a difference in your next project via this webinar

TMS FNC Component Architecture

Even though we pioneered this unique approach to component development offering you components that will work in VCL application, FMX cross-platform applications and even TMS WEB Core web client applications, for many the architecture of FNC components is still a mystery. Uncover the secrets behind FNC components for once and for all in this session

TMS FNC Gantt Chart

In 2024, we released the brand new FNC Component: TMS FNC Gantt Chart. If your applications are dealing with project management, TMS FNC Gantt Chart offers you powerful visualization and manipulation of project flow charts. Learn what TMS FNC Gantt Chart can do for you in this webinar

TMS WEB Core for TypeScript

Yes, our team is working hard to allow you to do RAD component based web application development but from the TypeScript language and in the free Visual Studio Code editor that runs directly on Windows, macOS, Linux and web

TMS Sphinx: Single sign-on with OAuth

A session where it is explained step by step how TMS Sphinx adds single sign-on authentication with OAuth capabilities to your Delphi applications

TMS WEB Core component development

TMS WEB Core comes with numerous components built-in. The entire FNC family of components can be used from TMS WEB Core and there are several free components you can pick. But in some cases, you might want to develop your own components and in this session, you can learn how you can do this.

TMS WEB Core with an XData backend

TMS XData is our high performance, robust and ultimately flexible REST API server back-end technology that seamlessly integrates with a TMS WEB Core web client application. In this session, you learn the first steps to integrate the two for making modern, fast & robust web applications with Delphi.

From VCL to Web

One of the most exciting webinars we did this year, together with Embarcadero. We shop you how easy Delphi, TMS WEB Core and StellarDS.io enable you to take a native VCL application to the web

Using CSS in TMS WEB Core apps

CSS is the de facto way to style your UI on the web. Holger shows you how you can take advantage of it


With StellarDS.io, you have the easiest and fastest route to empower your TMS WEB Core web client applications with a no-deploy back-end. Learn in this webinar how fast you can setup your back-end and hook it up to your web client app.


There is a lot to learn. The pace of development in the software world is mind-blowing. There is much much more to discover on our

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, including many shorter & focused videos on a specific topic.
Also in 2025, we plan to keep up the pace with creating new videos on software development with Delphi. We are eager to learn from you what content and what format for the videos you like best. Let us know in the comments here!

Happy learning - Happy holidays!

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