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Enhancing Error Handling with the New OnError Event in TMS FNC Maps for Delphi


Заместитель Администратора
Команда форума
9 Май 2015
At TMS Software, we are constantly striving to improve the functionality and user experience of our components. With the latest update to

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, we are excited to introduce a powerful new feature: the OnError event. This addition is designed to provide developers with greater control and insight when handling errors during map interactions.

What is the OnError Event?

The OnError event is a new callback mechanism that triggers whenever an error occurs within the

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component. Whether it's an API error, or an unexpected behavior, the OnError event ensures that you are promptly informed and can take appropriate action.

Key Benefits of the OnError Event

  1. Improved Debugging: The OnError event provides detailed information about the nature of the error, making it easier to identify and resolve issues during development.

  2. Enhanced User Experience: By handling errors gracefully, you can ensure that your application remains responsive and user-friendly, even when something goes wrong.

  3. Custom Error Handling: The OnError event allows you to define custom logic for error handling, such as displaying user-friendly messages, logging errors, or retrying failed operations.

How to Use the OnError Event

Integrating the OnError event into your application is straightforward. Here's a quick example to get you started:

procedure TForm1.TMSFNCMaps1Error(Sender: TObject;
AError: TTMSFNCWebBrowserError);
TTMSFNCUtils.Log('An Error occurred: ' + AError.Message);

In this example, the OnError event is used to display a log message with the error details. You can customize this logic to suit the specific needs of your application.

Real-World Applications

The OnError event proves invaluable in situations where reliability and seamless user experience are top priorities. For example, it can help you quickly detect if an invalid Google Maps API key was provided, allowing you to alert the user and guide them toward resolving the issue. By addressing such errors gracefully, the OnError event ensures your application remains functional and user-friendly, even when problems arise.

Handling Differences Between Mapping Services

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supports multiple mapping services, each with its own unique behaviors and features. Not all services return the same errors or error messages, which can lead to different error-handling scenarios. With the OnError event, you can tailor your error-handling logic to account for these variations, ensuring a consistent and reliable user experience regardless of the mapping service in use.

Improved Behavior in Future Updates

At TMS Software, we are committed to continuous improvement and innovation. The introduction of the OnError event lays the foundation for even more advanced error-handling mechanisms in future updates. These enhancements will empower developers to anticipate, diagnose, and resolve issues with greater precision, making

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an even more reliable and versatile tool for building exceptional applications.


The new OnError event in

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is a testament to our commitment to empowering developers with robust tools and features. By providing a reliable way to handle errors, this event enhances the overall stability and usability of applications built with

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We encourage you to explore this new feature and share your feedback with us. Together, let's continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with mapping technology!

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