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Discover the Latest Features in TMS Smart Setup 1.4


Заместитель Администратора
Команда форума
9 Май 2015
We are excited to announce the release of TMS Smart Setup 1.4, bringing significant improvements and new features to enhance the installation and management of TMS products. Whether you're a seasoned user of Smart Setup or hearing about it for the first time, this update is packed with enhancements designed to make your development experience smoother than ever.

What is TMS Smart Setup?

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is a utility designed to simplify the process of installing, updating, and managing TMS components and libraries for Delphi and C++Builder. With Smart Setup, developers can:

  • Install and update TMS products with ease.

  • Manage licensing and environment configurations seamlessly.

  • Keep their development environment optimized and error-free.
What’s New in Version 1.4?

Version 1.4 brings several enhancements, with a strong focus on improving the graphical user interface (GUI):

Key GUI Improvements

  1. Version History Popup:

    • A new option in tmsgui allows you to view the version history for any selected product via a simple right-click menu.

      TMS Software Delphi  Components

  2. Sortable Product List:

    • You can now sort the product list by clicking on column headers, making navigation and organization much easier.

  3. Improved Error Handling:

    • Errors are now displayed in a user-friendly list box, with detailed descriptions shown below when a specific error is clicked. This ensures faster troubleshooting and better clarity.

      TMS Software Delphi  Components

For a complete list of all improvements and fixes in this version, check out the

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Not All Products Are Supported... Yet!

While TMS Smart Setup supports a wide range of TMS products, there are some exceptions. Certain products, like TMS Web Core, currently require installation through the traditional InnoSetup-based installer. However, this is about to change.

Customers have been eagerly anticipating TMS Web Core support in Smart Setup, given its popularity among Delphi developers. The good news is that the TMS team has already completed internal tests to add Web Core packages to Smart Setup. This means Web Core will soon be installable via Smart Setup, making it even easier to manage this widely-used product. Stay tuned for updates!

Here is a teaser video for you, TMS Web Core being installed using TMS Smart Setup. The video was not edited, this is how long it takes for Web Core to be downloaded and installed!

Get Started Today!

If you haven’t tried TMS Smart Setup yet, now is the perfect time to get started. Download the latest version and see how it can streamline your workflow and improve your development experience.

Version 1.4 is available now, so be sure to update and take advantage of these new features and improvements.

If you have already Smart Setup installed, just call

tms self-update
To update to the latest version. If you are new to it, then download TMS Smart Setup 1.4 here:

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