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Day 1119 : Nothing Left


Команда форума
1 Мар 2015
liner notes:

  • Professional : Today flew by! Had a couple of meetings. Got some more information on a couple of tickets and just worked on them. The last message I got from the person in the community channel from yesterday is that they got the sample code up and running. They wanted to change the front end, but that change would be up to them to do.

  • Personal : Last night, I had the 3D printer running a 10 hour print job. I went through some tracks for the radio show. Looked at some projects on Bandcamp to pick up this week. Looked at ways to attach a battery to this other project I'm working on. Also got an updated version of the artwork and got it uploaded to the vinyl manufacturer.

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So I've decided to build another shelving unit for the large format 3D printer that I bought while I wait for the pieces for the larger shelving unit for the enclosure of the other printers. The large format printer already comes with its own enclosure. I've moved around boxes to make room in the shed to start building the shelving units. Looks like the holes in the bottom of the shelving units are too small for the casters that I bought, but I think I can knock out a nut to make the hole larger. The 10 hour lenticular 1mm print finished and it's pretty strong, but it's not as clear as the .5mm print. The .5mm print is really fragile. I modified the lenticular print so that it's .6mm thick and it takes 7 hours to print. I've got like an hour left. Hopefully it clear and stronger. I also make the layer height the smallest possible so that there are more layers printed. If not, I'll print another model at .7mm and move my way up. Going to go through projects on Bandcamp and for the radio show. I'll also work on the battery holder for the 3D model. A lot of stuff is coming together. My plan is to go through each box until there is nothing left.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus

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