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Client Side Rendering vs Pre Rendering


Команда форума
1 Мар 2015
(CSR):Client Side Rendering is a web rendering technique where the browser loads a minimal HTML page and dynamically renders content using javaScript ,reducing server load and enabling faster, interactive user experiences . Client Side Rendering has several challenge
1- Initial Load Time : The initial page load may be slower as the browser has to download and execute javaScript before rendering content
2-SEO-issue : Since Content is rendered dynamically by javaScript , search engines may struggle to index the page effectively,potentially harming SEO

PreRendering => When a user prioritizes SEO (Search Engine Optimization), pre-rendering is often used to ensure the content is properly indexed by search engines. Pre-rendering is a technique where the content of the page is generated and served as static HTML, making it easier for search engine bots to crawl and index the page content, even if JavaScript is required to display dynamic elements on the page

Common Techniques for pre rendering
1- Static Site Generators
2- Server Site Rendering
Static Side Generators : - Tools like next.js pre-rendered the content at build time,producing static HTML files that are served to both users and search engines .

Server Side Rendering. :- This technique involves rendering the page on the server and sending fully rendered HTML to the browser . Frameworks like Next.js also offer SSR for dynamic content

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