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Недавний контент Lomanu4

  1. Lomanu4

    Unveiling Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License: A Deep Dive

    Have you ever wondered how data can be truly free? The Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and License (ODC-PDDL) is at the forefront of an open data revolution—a legal instrument that empowers communities to share, modify, and reuse data without unnecessary legal restrictions. In today’s...
  2. Lomanu4

    Unveiling Open Hardware License: A Deep Dive into Transparency and Collaboration

    The world of open innovation has experienced a tremendous evolution over the past few decades, and at the heart of this revolution lies the emergence of novel licensing frameworks designed specifically for hardware. Recently, an in‐depth article titled Unveiling Open Hardware License: A...
  3. Lomanu4

    Issue with AirPods Pro 2 (Lightning Edition) Case: Need Advice

    My AirPods Pro 2 (Lightning Edition) case is not working properly. The earbuds are fine, but the case isn’t functioning correctly—I can’t pair them because the button isn’t responding. Unfortunately, I removed the AirPods from my iPhone, so now I can’t reconnect them. However, they still work on...
  4. Lomanu4

    The Impact of Cloud Technology on Custom Software Development

    Cloud technology has transformed the way businesses approach custom software development in Arizona and worldwide. Traditional development methods required high infrastructure costs and lacked flexibility. However, with cloud computing, companies can develop, deploy, and maintain software more...
  5. Lomanu4

    (Redux)- one shot developer

    Redux: is a state management library Читать далее...
  6. Lomanu4

    Data Verification - Definition, Benefits and Best Practice

    When data moves from one system to another, you may have a question: is all the data stored in the target system in a correct way? If not, how can I identify the missing or wrong data? Data verification is introduced to resolve your concern. Verification acts as a safeguard, ensuring that all...
  7. Lomanu4

    .NET Learning Notes: How to use FluentValidation and Custom attributes to check parameters

    Reference: https://docs.fluentvalidation.net/en/latest/installation.html https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/mvc/models/validation?view=aspnetcore-9.0 Thanks for providing learning code from Zack.Yang FluentValidation is a .NET library for building strongly-typed validation rules...
  8. Lomanu4

    DevOps with AWS CodePipeline

    Automating DevOps with GitLab and AWS CodePipeline Integration As a developer or DevOps engineer, streamlining your workflow is critical for efficient delivery of high-quality software. Integrate GitLab/Github repositories with AWS CodePipeline to get a robust solution for automating the CI/CD...
  9. Lomanu4

    How to Cosplay 3: Makeup and Hair Styling Tips

    For cosplay, the makeup and hair styling segment is crucial to make your character image come into life. The makeup and hairstyle are more than just a little, which also effectively enhances the overall effect of the character, allowing the cosplay to look more vivid and moving. Here is a guide...
  10. Lomanu4

    How to Migrate to Drupal From Another Cms in 2025?

    Migrating to a new content management system (CMS) can be daunting, but with the right approach, transitioning to Drupal in 2025 is smoother than you might expect. Whether you're moving from WordPress, Joomla, or any other platform, this guide will walk you through the process step-by-step. By...
  11. Lomanu4

    Why the Latest JavaScript Frameworks Are a Waste of Time

    If you’ve been in web development for more than five minutes, you know the drill. Every few months, a new JavaScript framework pops up, promising to fix everything wrong with the previous generation. At first, it’s exciting. A cleaner syntax, better performance, fewer headaches! But after years...
  12. Lomanu4

    [cpc] Pokemon Slide Gallery (yet another circle gallery)

    Yet another circular gallery. This one was for a CodePen challenge. I initially based the code on this previous pen https://codepen.io/cbolson/pen/vEBWwxL however I ended up refactoring most of it as usual. Читать далее...
  13. Lomanu4

    The Psychology of AI Love

    With virtual romances starting to replicate and resemble more real-life love, companions generated through AI go beyond simple conversation opportunities. Complex avatars generate an online identity with whom the person can interact and, oftentimes, become head over heels in love. But how can AI...
  14. Lomanu4

    Code Theory #1

    Heap and Stack memory Interpreted or compiled Dynamic Typing vs. Static Typing Search algorithms - Binary, Linear Collection types - Array, Linked List Hashing, Hashtable, Hashmap Читать далее...
  15. Lomanu4

    Something in the way

    There’s a scene in The Batman—you know the one. Bruce, rain-soaked and brooding, watches Gotham unravel while Nirvana’s “Something in the Way” drones on. It’s a perfect metaphor for the way we feel about AI in software development right now. Something’s coming. Something is already here. And...